Leave us the most routine or complex areas of accounting
We will release full-time specialists from some tasks in order to:
relieve employees of routine processes so that they switch to more important tasks;
cut costs;
eliminate errors and inaccuracies in accounting;
optimize processes in accordance with the latest developments.
Partial list of functions that we are ready to take over:
Treasury function
preparation of payment orders in the bank;
reflection of the bank statements in the accounting system;
cash flow planning and daily reporting;
informing contact persons about the receipt of money from customers;
checking limits on contracts;
control of payment details;
cash transactions;
interaction with the bank;
credits and loans.
Foreign currency activities control
analysis of primary and contractual documentation;
registration and accounting of contracts;
maintenance of registers of payments under contractual obligations;
control of submission of documents to the bank’s currency control departmnet, clearing of advances, repatriation of revenues;
audit of documents on foreign economic activity with a written opinion: a description of the identified current and potential risks and options for their elimination.
Bookkeeping of accounts payable and accounts recievable
collection and verification of primary documentation, including for compliance with the terms of contracts;
entering the results of all operations into the accounting system;
control of mutual settlements;
calculation of taxes and preparation of tax returns;
preparation of reconciliation acts, communication with counterparties;
Other tasks
setting up or restoring accounting and tax accounting;
preparation and submission of mandatory, including zero reporting;
VAT refund;
and whatever comes to your mind.
Why should you trust us?
We work non-stop
You will not be affected by team sick leave, vacations, force majeure cases.
We insure liability
We are responsible for the result of the work within the framework of the quality control procedure according to the international standard.
We assess and minimize risks
We analyze accounting and tax accounting, identify all problematic issues, advise on possible solutions, and help to avoid mistakes in practice.
We store data securely
We use a data center of the third level – the company’s cyber risks are insured.
We guarantee information security quality work
ISO 27001:2013 and ISO 9001:2015 certified.
We optimize the transfer of information
We host your database on our servers.
Свяжитесь с нами: мы подробно расскажем условия, подготовим специальный пакет услуг и договоримся о следующих шагах
Ваша заявка принята. В ближайщее время наши менеджеры с вами свяжуться. Большое спасибо за сообщение
Спасибо за ваше время.
В ближайщее время наши менеджеры с вами свяжуться. Большое спасибо за сообщение
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