Jokes aside! Without this service, your company may be on the verge of bankruptcy.
Doing business blindly is strange and dangerous. If you do not keep transparent management records, you risk :
Spend extra money on new techniques
Over time, your business will scale. As the company grows, the amount of data, errors, and questions from employees may also increase. Correcting shortcomings and retraining the team is expensive and time consuming. It’s easier to set up the methodology right away than to change the implemented system. So you save money and your precious time and energy.
Lead the company to bankruptcy
If there is no transparent analytics, clear management, there are no problems clearly seen. It is not clear which part of the business is profitable and which is not. Where to invest money, and which department is better to close. What processes take a lot, but give almost nothing. Such a system will result in losses both in the market share and profits. And then bankruptcy.
Lose profits and timely changes
As long as the business is profitable, everyone is happy. When profits decrease, you have to do a lot of work to find a mistake. With analytics in hand, you can quickly change your strategy.
UCMS Group structures the business model, saves against loss of investment and adjusts processes so that you can keep focused on the development of the company
Determine what additional result is needed from management accounting: implementation of an IT product, cost reduction, merger with another business, etc.
We analyze the company: we will collect as much information as possible about the specifics of the business, requirements and current processes.
We will offer a ready-made solution: we will develop a new methodology or adjust the current one according to your goals, strategy, company features.
We will control the implementation and the result: we will make critical remarks, and will teach how to apply the methodology in practice.
We will support you at the implementation stage: our specialists will fully take care of the accounting. After you decide: either to refuse from outsourcing after implementation or leave complex areas to us.
We will show the result before implementation: we will tell you the principle of operation, the impact of changes, possible risks, and the specific benefits of management accounting. If something does not suit you, we will correct it before work begins.
There are 4 cases when you definitely need management accounting
We are sure that yours is among them
Implement IT products (ERP, BI and others) If you use special software for business process management, set up accounting right away. It is more difficult to redo than to take care of in advance. You can re-implement the software if something goes wrong. But is it effective?
You acquire another company There are general principles of management accounting, but each business has its own specifics: regional characteristics, a new area in the same industry, a different volume of production. When merging legal entities, it is necessary to develop a methodology taking into account the nuances of the new business.
Changing the old methodology There can be many reasons – the business grows, acquires companies, new accounting rules appear. The methodology you started with may be outdated and inconsistent with the law. The best solution is to keep important practices and implement a new methodology based on new standards.
You plan to maintain IFRS The company is ready for IFRS accounting. But how to combine all the processes so as not to increase the staff? UCMS Group solutions help to enter data simultaneously with the formation of financial results in accordance with RAS, tax accounting, IFRS and detailed management reporting without duplicating or converting these data. These words are complex. But important if you want to build a successful business.
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